School Visit re Stranger Shores — Richard Beech Photography

School Visit re Stranger Shores

Some of you may know that I am a writer as well as a photographer. Last year, I was shortlisted by Penguin Random House on their mentor scheme ‘Write Now’ with a Middle Grade Novel (for 8 to 12 year olds) called ‘Stranger Shores’. I had the privilege of attending a Focus Group today at St Osmunds School in Dorchester where a group of readers had read my book and offered their feedback on the book. What an amazing group of young people they were too … so sharp and extremely positive. Had several requests for the sequel so now I need to get my act together! It was so amazing knowing they had enjoyed it, some reading it in only two days. I can’t look at this photograph of the lightning storm over Portland Bill that I took last year now without thinkng of Stranger Shores and the amazing reaction I got from young readers in the focus group.