Shortlisted for the British Photography Awards 2021 — Richard Beech Photography

Shortlisted for the British Photography Awards 2021

I am supremely excited to let you know that I have been shortlisted in the British Photography Awards for 2021. The shot in question, 'Into the Lens', is a macro shot looking into a telephoto camera lens - and is shortlisted in the Macro Category.

I would love it if you would lend me your vote in the public vote which is open now: Thank you so much! Cheers

You may also recollect from earlier this year, that the same image was chosen to appear on all membership cards for the Royal Photographic Society (RPS) during 2020.

This is the second consecutive year that I have been shortlisted in the British Photography Awards

#BPA2020 #britishphotographyawards #britishphotography #awards #RPS #royalphotographicsociety #shamelesspleaforyourvote
